careers w Słowniku włoskim Oxford-Paravia

Tłumaczenia dla hasła careers w angielski»włoski słowniku

careers master [kəˈrɪəzˌmɑːstə(r), Am-ˌmæs-] RZ. Brit SZK.

careers w słowniku PONS

Tłumaczenia dla hasła careers w angielski»włoski słowniku (Przełącz na włoski»angielski)

Inne tłumaczenia i typowe zwroty z wyszukiwanym słowem

Tłumaczenia dla hasła careers w włoski»angielski słowniku (Przełącz na angielski»włoski)

careers Przykłady ze Słownika PONS (zredagowane i sprawdzone)

Przykłady jednojęzyczne (niezredagowane i niesprawdzone przez PONS)

All three said they decided to jumpstart their university education after learning about the program from their careers officer.
Hospital-based family practice maternity clinics are seen as one way to encourage new family doctors to deliver babies when they launch their own careers.
Originally focused on self-employment for twentysomethings, the magazine evolved to cover careers and education.
Traditionally, people interested in careers in this field either presented themselves as apprentices within craft unions, or attended college programs in theatre technology.
What makes the millennials great is that, through technology, they have forged careers from nothing.
He, along with two brothers, pursued careers in the legal profession.
While this pattern may signal workplace changes among younger cohorts, women do tend to fall behind men as their careers progress.
But if people's careers can depend on certain statistics, and those statistics can be jiggered, expect somebody to jigger them.
Training is also provided in specific skills essential to successful future careers, such as giving and receiving feedback, working in groups, intercultural sensitivity, customer orientation and presentation skills.
Over the years, the school evolved into a secretarial school that prepared young women for careers in the business world.

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