angielsko » arabski

amplifier gain ELEKTROT.

amplifier tube KOMUN.

bridging amplifier KOMUN.

broadband amplifier ELEKTROT.

broadcasting amplifier KOMUN.

chopper amplifier ELEKTROT.

current amplifier ELEKTROT.

dynamic amplifier KOMUN.

final amplifier KOMUN.

gain amplifier TV

harmonic amplifier ELEKTROT.

hydraulic amplifier ELEKTROT.

Przykłady jednojęzyczne (niezredagowane i niesprawdzone przez PONS)

The pedal controller allows him to change between different effect pedals and amplifiers.
This company was primarily in the business of designing and manufacturing transformers for tube amplifiers.
In power amplifiers this can cause the plates to glow red, or current limiting resistors to overheat, even fail.
In 2006 a bit-rate of 14 Tbit/s was reached over a single 160 km line using optical amplifiers.
They are often used as low-noise microwave amplifiers in radio telescopes.
Jones built powerful amplifiers, with the technologically advanced capacity to distinguish and enhance treble, mid-range and bass frequencies.
A low-pass filter to cut ultrasonic energy is useful to prevent interference from radio frequencies, lighting control, or digital circuitry creeping into the power amplifiers.
Radio transmitter amplifiers in most telecommunications systems are required to be linear, in that they must accurately reproduce the signal present at their input.
Eight of these use 95-watt traveling-wave amplifiers, and three have 62 watts.
As a result, valved amplifiers may resist mistuning, lightning and power surges better.

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