angielsko » arabski

coppered carbons TECH. OŚW.

moulded carbons ELEKTROT.

co-axial carbons TECH. OŚW.

active carbon CHEM.

carbon alloy PRZEM.

carbon anode NAUKI PRZYR.

carbon assimilation BOT.

carbon brush PRZEM.

carbon contact CHEM.

carbon copy RZ. INF.

Carbon cutting PRZEM.

Przykłady jednojęzyczne (niezredagowane i niesprawdzone przez PONS)

It is a fluorocarbon derivative, or perfluorinated compound, with eight carbons and a terminal sulfonamide functional group.
For example, 8:2 fluorotelomer alcohol would represent a molecule with 8 fluorinated carbons and a 2 carbon ethyl alcohol group.
In the case of the phenyltropanes, although there are four chiral carbons, there are only eight possible isomers to consider.
Ethanol's miscibility with water contrasts with the immiscibility of longer-chain alcohols (five or more carbon atoms), whose water miscibility decreases sharply as the number of carbons increases.
The first hues were red (iron oxide, hematite, or red ochre) and black (manganese dioxide, pyrolusite), though black from juniper or pine carbons has also been discovered.
In this compound the deviation from planarity is 13 for the benzene ring and 17 for the bridgehead carbons.
It is a member of the carotenes, which are tetraterpenes, synthesized biochemically from eight isoprene units and thus having 40 carbons.
Arc lights need carbon electrodes called carbon points (or simply carbons) to work.
Like the cyclopropenyl cation, positive charge is delocalized over three equivalent carbons containing two electrons.
But now the IWS researchers are using porous carbons to slow down this process.

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