angielsko » arabski

coiled radiator ARCHIT.

constrained radiator AKUST.

finned radiator ARCHIT.

gilled radiator ARCHIT.

hertzian radiator KOMUN.

oil radiator ARCHIT.

panel radiator BUD.

partitioned radiator ARCHIT.

planckian radiator FIZ.

radiator baffle PRZEM.

Przykłady jednojęzyczne (niezredagowane i niesprawdzone przez PONS)

Radiators have been known to block up though, and pre-2001 406s only scored two stars on crash protection.
These railbuses may be recognised by the vertical grills on the radiators.
These conduction boiler systems use conduction to transfer heat from the water into the metal radiators or convectors.
They were still manufacturing steam and hot water boilers and radiators as well as plumbing supplies.
The companies conspired in procurements of generators, starters, windshield wiper systems, radiators and electrical fans by automobile companies.
This form of iron, also known as cast iron, is used to cast articles in foundries such as stoves, pipes, radiators, lamp-posts and rails.
To save fan power consumption in vehicles, radiators are often behind the grille at the front end of a vehicle.
Copper is used in electrical power cables, data cables, electrical equipment, automobile radiators, cooling and refrigeration tubing, heat exchangers, artillery shell casings, small arms ammunition, water pipes, and jewellery.
When you're with people, they're either radiators or drainers.
There was a pair of shallow inboard underwing radiators.

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