angielsko » arabski

Tłumaczenia i wymowa international arbitration w angielsko » arabski słowniku

(Przełącz na arabsko » angielski)

international arbitration POLIT.

International commercial arbitration POLIT.

Przykłady jednojęzyczne (niezredagowane i niesprawdzone przez PONS)

The primary advantage of international arbitration over court litigation is enforceability: an international arbitration award is enforceable in most countries in the world.
International arbitration is sometimes described as a hybrid form of dispute resolution, which permits parties broad flexibility in designing arbitral procedures.
Voters were asked whether the dispute should be brought before an international arbitration tribunal.
During that period, he was coordinating relations with the international financial institutions, as well as foreign economic relations, foreign investment policy, legal issues at the international arbitration and corporate governance.
The judgment is also interesting in the sense that it includes clear arbitration-friendly statements with respect to international arbitration, expressing a presumption in favour of arbitrability in international arbitration.
There are a variety of approaches to international arbitration at the national level, even where model laws have been adopted.
His practice was concentrated on commercial law, administrative law and international arbitration.
The work is divided into three main parts, covering international arbitration agreements, international arbitral proceedings and international arbitral awards.
The contest is called to demonstrate disputable and important issues of private international law and in particular maritime law and international arbitration.

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