angielsko » niemiecki

cor·po·rate lia·ˈbil·ity RZ.

corporate liability RZ. PR. GOSP.

Słownictwo specjalistyczne

corporate liability base RZ. INW.-FIN.

Słownictwo specjalistyczne

corporate tax liability RZ. KSIĘG.

Słownictwo specjalistyczne

Przykłady ze Słownika PONS (zredagowane i sprawdzone)

Przykłady jednojęzyczne (niezredagowane i niesprawdzone przez PONS)

The resulting imbroglio touched on a complex intersection of sometimes-conflicting issues including food safety, business efficiency, marketing, corporate liability and customer perception.
What we need at this point is corporate liability.
Civil negligence rules are not apt to confer criminal liabilitythe identification principle remains the only basis in common law for corporate liability for gross negligence manslaughter.
The offence is concerned with corporate liability and does not apply to directors or other individuals who have a senior role in the company or organisation.
He also discusses legislation to limit corporate liability.
Corporate liability issues have also emerged when businesses wipe devices after employees leave the organization.
Thus, as a precondition to corporate liability, it must be possible to attribute the relevant employee's or agent's knowledge to the corporation.
But all it really assures is a lack of corporate liability.
The legal structure of public companies and business insurance policies shield equity holders from the bulk of corporate liability, including from indebtedness and legal problems.
As well as new legislative attempts to limit corporate liability, reduce the cost of failure, and allow them to access and share personal user information with the government.

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