angielsko » niemiecki

Tłumaczenia i wymowa proximal w angielsko » niemiecki słowniku

(Przełącz na niemiecko » angielski)

proximal tubule [ˌprɒksɪmlˈtjuːbjuːl] RZ.

Przykłady jednojęzyczne (niezredagowane i niesprawdzone przez PONS)

It is the proximal extremity of the ulna which is articulated with the humerus and constituting a part of the elbow articulation.
The proximal half of the wing is brownish white, suffused with brownish and strigulated with pale brownish.
The person attempting to obtain the access must find a new access site proximal to the blown area to prevent extravasation of medications through the damaged vein.
The hindwings are dark, olive grey, with an indistinct whitish spot in proximal part and white submarginal striped and apical stripe-shaped patch with pink-metallic scales.
Apical cells of the pseodofilamentous sheaths are elongate compared to proximal cells in the sheath.
The vast majority of thromboses -- 71% -- were restricted to the proximal veins, without involvement of the calf veins.
In the case of bobble-head doll syndrome, the disturbance is related to those structures proximal to the third ventricle.
Radiography images may show an abnormal bony spur outgrowth (supracondyloid process) just proximal to the elbow joint.
A pad can be placed anteromedially on the proximal forearm.
Short strictures in the bulbar urethra, particularly between the proximal 1/3 and distal 2/3 of the bulb, may be congenital.

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