angielsko » słoweński

Tłumaczenia i wymowa demersal trawl w angielsko » słoweński słowniku

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I . trawl [trɔ:l] CZ. cz. przech.

1. trawl (fish):

2. trawl (search):

II . trawl [trɔ:l] CZ. cz. nieprzech.

1. trawl (fish):

2. trawl (search):

III . trawl [trɔ:l] RZ.

1. trawl (net):

vlečna mreža r.ż.

2. trawl (fishing):

3. trawl (search, process):

iskanje n +D.

Przykłady jednojęzyczne (niezredagowane i niesprawdzone przez PONS)

This shark is caught using demersal trawls, floating and fixed bottom gill nets, and on hook-and-line.
Pair trawling is effective on all demersal species.
Bottom trawling often tears up the ocean bottom and can be very destructive to all bottom dwelling fish.
Main fishing methods include trawling, long-lining, gill-netting and purse-seining with the majority of the total catch obtained through trawling.
Bottom trawls and coastal development may detrimentally alter habitat used by benthic seamoths.
The most common technique for modern fishing, trawling, is severely damaging.
The boats that are used for trawling are called trawlers or draggers.
Because of the tuna's deteriorated condition as a result of the trawl net, the fish sold for just under $5,000.
An interesting place to trawl for some casual attire, local products, and some local delicacies.
It is fairly common below 1,000 m, and is taken as by-catch in deepwater trawls and traps.

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