salmonella poisoning w Słowniku włoskim Oxford-Paravia

Tłumaczenia i wymowa salmonella poisoning w angielski»włoski słowniku

poisoning [Brit ˈpɔɪz(ə)nɪŋ, Am ˈpɔɪz(ə)nɪŋ] RZ.

I.poison [Brit ˈpɔɪz(ə)n, Am ˈpɔɪz(ə)n] RZ.

salmonella < salmonellas, salmonellae> [Brit ˌsalməˈnɛlə, Am ˌsælməˈnɛlə] RZ. BIOL.

salmonella poisoning w słowniku PONS

Tłumaczenia i wymowa salmonella poisoning w angielski»włoski słowniku

Przykłady jednojęzyczne (niezredagowane i niesprawdzone przez PONS)

Any staff member displaying symptoms of salmonella poisoning was instructed not to come to work until they were clear of infection.
Cooking eggs thoroughly greatly reduces the risk of salmonella poisoning.
Uncooked curry leaves in a chutney left more than 400 people who ate at a street food festival with diarrhoea and vomiting or salmonella poisoning, health officials have found.
Multiple studies have found that housing hens in particularly close quarters, known as battery cages, may increase the likelihood of salmonella poisoning.
They make an easy addition to morning smoothies, but you need to be aware of the potential risks associated with salmonella poisoning if you are in a high-risk group.
Experts have asked people vulnerable to infection to avoid raw and lightly cooked after it was linked to salmonella poisoning in 1989.
He was diagnosed with adenovirus, rotavirus, salmonella poisoning and, due to the strain on his body, contracted meningitis.
The lettuce recall follows 28 cases of salmonella poisoning in the past month.
Having a cascarn broken over one's head is said to bring good luck, however concerns over salmonella poisoning eroded support for the practice beginning in 2003.
A bacterial infection, salmonella poisoning is characterized by the sudden onset of headache, fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea and sometimes vomiting.

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