
Tłumaczenia dla hasła „expiate“ w angielsko-chiński słowniku (Przełącz na chińsko-angielski)

expire [ıkˈspaıə] CZ. cz. nieprzech.

excite [ıkˈsaıt] CZ. cz. przech.

II . expatriate [eksˈpætrıeıt, eksˈpætrııt] RZ.

expropriate [eksˈprəʊprıeıt] CZ. cz. przech.

▶ expropriation [ıkˌsprəʊprıˈeıʃən] RZ.

expand [ıkˈspænd] CZ. cz. przech., cz. nieprzech.

expect [ıkˈspekt] CZ. cz. przech.

expert [ˈekspɜːt] RZ. PRZYM.

I . export [ıkˈspɔːt] CZ. cz. przech.

II . export [ıkˈspɔːt, ˈekspɔːt] RZ.

explain [ıkˈspleın] CZ. cz. przech., cz. nieprzech.


▶ explanation [ˌek­splə­ˈneıʃən] RZ.
▶ explanatory [ıkˈsplænətərı] PRZYM.

explode [ıkˈspləʊd] CZ. cz. przech., cz. nieprzech.

explore [ıkˈsplɔː] CZ. cz. przech.

2. explore:

▶ explorative [ıkˈsplɒrətıv] PRZYM.
▶ exploratory [ıkˈsplɒrətərı] PRZYM.
▶ explorer [ıkˈsplɔːrə] RZ.
▶ exploration [ˌekspləˈreıʃən] RZ.

satiate [ˈseıʃıeıt] CZ. cz. przech.

▶ satiation [ˌseı­ʃıˈeıʃən] RZ.

II . radiate [ˈreıdıeıt] CZ. cz. nieprzech.

deviate [ˈdiːvıeıt] CZ. cz. nieprzech. (from)

▶ deviation [ˌdiːvıˈeıʃən] RZ.

mediate [ˈmiːdıeıt] CZ. cz. przech., cz. nieprzech.

Przykłady jednojęzyczne (niezredagowane i niesprawdzone przez PONS)

She came to recognize that she needed prayers from the sangha to expiate her sins and release her soul from the lower realms.
Call it an expiation for not adequately expiating.
This practice and faith are thought to expiate the believer's negative karma, and bring forth a higher life condition.
Expiate in line 4 formerly caused some confusion, since the context does not seem to include a need for atonement.
So, the young farmers built this stupa, wishing for forgiveness and expiate.
His wish was to have his statue be stepped on by as many people as possible in order to expiate the crimes he committed in life.
These include the poet's coming to terms with a sense of artistic failure, and jealousies and hatreds that must be faced and expiated.
It was simply their poise at the critical moment, with the chance to expiate over a century of pain, that failed them.
Religious scriptures are chanted at the funeral ceremony to expiate the sins of the dead.
There are fourteen women who live in the small, dilapidated two-story house, sent there to expiate bad karma, as well as to relieve their families of financial and emotional burdens.

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