hammer w Słowniku włoskim Oxford-Paravia

Tłumaczenia i wymowa hammer w angielski»włoski słowniku

hammer out CZ. [ˈhamə -] (hammer out [sth], hammer [sth] out) (negotiate)

hammer w słowniku PONS

Tłumaczenia i wymowa hammer w angielski»włoski słowniku (Przełącz na włoski»angielski)

Tłumaczenia i wymowa hammer w włoski»angielski słowniku (Przełącz na angielski»włoski)

hammer Przykłady ze Słownika PONS (zredagowane i sprawdzone)

the hammer and sickle POLIT., HIST.
to go under the hammer a. przen. painting
to go at it hammer and tongs pot. (argue)
to go at it hammer and tongs (fight)
to hammer sth (into sth)
to hammer sth into sb przen.
to hammer sb for sth
to hammer at sth
to hammer out a settlement

Przykłady jednojęzyczne (niezredagowane i niesprawdzone przez PONS)

She's also a dab hand with a hammer.
Similar to the firing pin block, the obstruction to the hammer's travel is removed as a consequence of pulling the trigger.
Hammer's tanks have extremely heavy armor, with the main hull and turret made of iridium and heavy steel skirts surrounding the plenum chamber.
This is one of only 167 built during its production run, and it comes with a matching fitted luggage set, a hammer, and sales literature from when it was new.
Suddenly the travelers come upon a metallic giant with a hammer.
This wave information travels across the air-filled middle ear cavity via a series of delicate bones: the malleus (hammer), incus (anvil) and stapes (stirrup).
The leaf spring snaps the hammer away from the pole-piece, pushing the hammer out against a ribbon and placing an image of a dot onto the paper.
With your hammer drill, start chipping away the plaster or render.
Someone else will have to hammer out the logistics, but if they can make it work, they should.
Below the hammer and sickle is a globe, which is superimposed atop a rising sun.

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