leveling w Słowniku włoskim Oxford-Paravia

Tłumaczenia i wymowa leveling w angielski»włoski słowniku (Przełącz na włoski»angielski)

III.level [Brit ˈlɛv(ə)l, Am ˈlɛvəl] PRZYM.

IV.level [Brit ˈlɛv(ə)l, Am ˈlɛvəl] PRZYSŁ. (abreast)

V.level <forma in -ing ecc. levelling, levelled Brit leveling, leveled Am> [Brit ˈlɛv(ə)l, Am ˈlɛvəl] CZ. cz. przech.

I.split-level [Brit splɪtˈlɛv(ə)l, Am ˈsplɪt ˌlɛvəl] RZ.

II.split-level [Brit splɪtˈlɛv(ə)l, Am ˈsplɪt ˌlɛvəl] PRZYM.

low-level [Brit ˌləʊˈlɛv(ə)l, Am ˈloʊ ˈˌlɛvəl] PRZYM.

Tłumaczenia i wymowa leveling w włoski»angielski słowniku (Przełącz na angielski»włoski)

leveling w słowniku PONS

Tłumaczenia i wymowa leveling w angielski»włoski słowniku (Przełącz na włoski»angielski)

Tłumaczenia i wymowa leveling w włoski»angielski słowniku (Przełącz na angielski»włoski)

Inne tłumaczenia i typowe zwroty z wyszukiwanym słowem
leveling out
leveling (off)

leveling Przykłady ze Słownika PONS (zredagowane i sprawdzone)

Przykłady jednojęzyczne (niezredagowane i niesprawdzone przez PONS)

They also provide adhesion over problematic surfaces, giving better film leveling, and durability.
Wells in gas solution drive and oil expansion drive reservoirs have exponential or hyperbolic declines: rapid declines at first, then leveling off.
It is becoming more common to use self leveling poured screeds which use materials other than cement as their binder.
They sometimes lack the brushability and self-leveling qualities of solvent-based varnishes.
The graphics were considered well-done, even in monochrome, but the reviewer felt leveling in the later part of the game went far too slowly.
In zone leveling, the objective is to distribute solute evenly throughout the purified material, which may be sought in the form of a single crystal.
A power screed assists in the smoothing out process by leveling out and/or vibrating the wet mixture.
The nitrogen gas as spring medium is approximately six times more flexible than conventional steel, so self-leveling is incorporated to allow the vehicle to cope with the extraordinary suppleness provided.
There are several common ways of leveling off the sharp edges of the blowouts.
Additionally, the inclusion of overhang seats and leveling seats is possible. 128 members are elected by a direct mandate to represent specific constituencies.

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